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About gethiredmiami

gethiredmiami is a 100% FREE resource and tool being offered to select organizations and their members who have the desire to become gainfully employed.


Our goal ― improving lives through employment.™ Nothing more.

Do you see a need to provide 100% FREE resume building, reviewing, editing, and enhancement to your nonprofit organization? We saw that need for our community. For others. For our Miami. We choose to embrace FREE cloud-based technology with the goal of improving lives through employment.

The end product of gethiredmiami is a typo-free, aesthetically aligned, clean, professional, and enhanced Google cloud-based resume ― shared and owned by the resume writer. There is no cost to print, download, or share. No ads. No fine print. Free is 100% FREE.

The time needed to achieve a typo-free, aligned resume with comments? Well under 8 minutes.

gethiredmiami shares using Google Drive and Documents


gethiredmiami will not sell or share your information. Users of Gmail and Google Forms should not expect email privacy.

What Inspired Us

If you’ve ever seen the look on somebody’s face the day they finally get a job—I've had some experience with this—they look like they could fly. And it's not about the paycheck, it’s about respect; it’s about looking in the mirror and knowing that you’ve done something valuable with your day. And if one person could start to feel this way, and then another person, and then another person, soon all these other problems may not seem so impossible. You don’t really know how much you can do until you stand up and decide to try. – Kevin Kline as President Bill Mitchell in the movie Dave (1993)

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